italian version


February 11, 2025
Limits of Freedom

There is no reason why any form of power should concern itself with matters that have no consequences on society. Therefore, the rules of any society, governed by any regime, apply to what is deemed (rightly or wrongly) to have social relevance.

This criterion is universal: I can listen to whatever music I want as long as it does not infringe on others' freedom. Thus, I am free to listen, but without disturbing my family, my neighbors, or society at large. This principle holds true everywhere and under all political regimes.

However, the issue is that every action I take always has some impact on society. If I smoke, I expose others to secondhand smoke, and in any case, if I become ill, I become a burden on the public healthcare system. Therefore, the limits of individual freedom are a compromise between personal needs and those of society, which vary according to circumstances—different in times of prosperity or war, for instance.