italian versione 

May 24, 2024
War and Justice

For the past 50 years, I have been hearing the same arguments from those who side with either the Palestinians or the Israelis (with everything that entails), calling for peace according to justice. The problem is not only that the rights and wrongs are never entirely on one side, as everyone knows, but also that identifying them is not an objective matter. It depends on the criteria used by those who judge what is right and wrong.

When faced with a conflict and we want to save people from death, destruction, and immense suffering, we must consider the perspectives of the parties involved, which are almost always opposed because they are based on opposing values. If it is possible to reach a compromise, realistically considering the situation, then peace can be achieved; if not, unfortunately, we have to go to war. But if we insist that our notion of justice, and nothing else, must prevail, then the war will continue relentlessly.