italian versione 

May 7, 2024
War in Ukraine

Russia attacked with the idea that they would take control of Kiev in a few days and install a friendly government. The Ukrainians resisted bravely and pushed back the Russians with weapons received from the West. Then the Russians invaded the Russophone regions but were blocked by Ukrainians still armed with Western weapons. Trusting in American arms, the Ukrainians then thought they could DEFEAT Russia (not just stop it), but they didn't succeed, as predictable.

America then slowed down, having no real interest in defeating Russia, quite the opposite.

The only solution then is to go back to two years ago: Ukraine cedes some provinces to Russia, while the other devastated and already in revolt, Russia settles because it is unable to conquer Ukraine and especially maintain it. Both claim victory.

This would be reasonable, but in wars, follies often blaze out of control.