
February 23, 2024

 Declining Birthrates

The problem is not the decrease in itself, which could even be a good thing, but in the alteration of the natural age pyramid, whereby the productive portion decreases and the unproductive portion increases. Once, the average lifespan was 70 years, and retiring at 65 meant only enjoying it for 5 years. Now, the average lifespan exceeds 80, so, with the same number of people, three times the resources are needed compared to before.

I wouldn't address the issue with partisan polemics: it's the fault of the right, the left, the center, etc. The fact is that there is widespread among the people (among the voters) a lack of awareness of the problem, and therefore, parties that are an emanation of it consider the problem insignificant. Everyone says they want to be free to do what they want, so there needs to be societal awareness that is then transferred to the parties.